While making banners, good that you can consider the bands involved in exchanging banner ads. But how does it work for you?
Well, a banner exchange service is a site (or a group of websites dealing banner exchange service) that an online site for visitors and guests to invite to create. These sites are made with banners, but no text links by clicking on a banner will ensure that the road directly on the original site that supports the banner.
Now, here's the thing. banner exchange services operate in a dual way.
First thing, keeping the account, the "click rate" for each site. The number of times a visitor clicks on another site, the site will receive a half credit (1.2) in the direction of their banners on different sites.
In short, the more clicks the visitors the best opportunities for banner ads on some sites. So the equation goes: the higher the click, plus additional credits for your banner to appear more the higher the click on your own website!
Apparently we are not in a good side trip here to the banner exchange services. And we can not expect to get something right away while still in the process of generating traffic to your new site.
Usually, links and banner advertising services advertised as "free", but there are sites where you pay for them, so your items will be placed on their websites. banner exchange services can not be as profitable as they have certain factors.
You must ensure that the exact amount of traffic you should get into this website receives banner exchange. Ratio for 1000 seem to be at least 29-35 visitors with banner ads.
Remember, the quality of your banner is a key element in a good traffic on the account and click rates too. At the same time, never the exchange services banners on the rails to forget you with a good circulation.
So you're not just affect your clickthrough rate of quality banner ads you have, but you will impact banner exchange services that you currently are tied with. That's how it is.
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