Automatic Reciprocal Links Exchange, or returning from Internet Marketing Ashes

Automatic Reciprocal Links Exchange, or returning from Internet Marketing Ashes

Between the exchange is not a new online markets. I remember a link to the exchange of the late 90s and since then I have helped to reverse much. But why do some getting used to the top positions of search terms, and links between the two and others are being left behind? Where is the distinguished winners and those who blame everything changing search engines?

Sharing my own experience I can say that the two documents are still one of the greatest discoveries and the Internet. Links to save tons of jobs for search engines. Imagine how much information is an index of search engines! You are already paying a lot for all of their vast databases, and indexing of all the ground, can double, triple its expenditure on storage and handling of all information.

It is much easier to search engines only indexed the link. Since the links), title (or anchor and is the title, you can analyze your keyword, check the meaning. Link is the structure and the key words in the name of the context, the connection is a description. Links for search engines to learn on the popularity of the site and submit your site to help in the right place in the eyes of search engines.

Now you see why the search engines to develop a relationship of love between documents, including, against, and why link exchange is still a very important factor in higher positions and to receive free targeted traffic from search engines.

Reciprocal Links - play with the rules of the SE.

Most problems arise when mutual web site owner or webmaster of start of the rules of search engines. Let's face it: If you're free and targeted traffic from search engines, you want either by their rules, or trying to find a play for the rest of the market.

The rules are very simple search engines.

(1) The site must provide a value.

Do not make the dummy page directory lists are pure and Google, and perhaps the Google ads. This type of site has no value: no useful information, not the quality of the product or service - nothing. When the user finds a search engine, such as web search term, this can be very annoying. Users report on the search engine, enter the human editor, the site offers its "value" and the site has been blacklisted.

I had a customer who had some problems with the IP, which prevents Google. When I went back to his side - Oh, my God - it feels like all that may offend people were injured. It is good that Google will be to each site to return to the ship when the violations have been made, out of control.

(2) between the exchange is irrelevant.

If it was a few years ago engines do not go so far that the indexing of the importance of links, now the situation seems quite different. It is easy to index the link and verify compliance of the description and the name of your topic and narrow place.

Of course, as the owner of the site has all the rights of any links to your site - it is your business. But one of the main points of the reciprocal links with search engines, forget about the objectives. Choose only relevant web sites and make contact to exchange them.

(3) The debate between a good and reputable websites.

Hidden truth is that Google, it does not matter what PageRank a page with reciprocal link. Or rather - includes PR 0 links. More useful links for your site better.

But surely you get reciprocal link to 5 pages (for example), PR 6 to help you quickly indexed without a sandbox for 2 + months, and other unnecessary pain.

So never lose an opportunity, a relationship between a page that has Google PR in Nice, this is a more useful site in the eyes of Google. And Google is still the top search engines.

Notification, where you will find several sites that are willing to link exchange pages and a nice PR. Check the pages, automatic links between the installed directory. Most of the pages, these indexes are the PR-3-7 and it is so easy to automatically connect to any reciprocal them before.


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