Link directories are made for people to present their new website. In this way they gather back links to their new website to optimize Google and attract visitors. If you are the owner of a collection of links to attract visitors, is not that hard. Everyone wants their site to be provided free. Some of them use the reciprocal links and very few want to let a small amount of its website in the directory of links to pay not accepted.
Ask for a small fee for the display of the link is a way to monetize your list. However, there are several ways to get money from your website link directory. You can add Google AdSense on your site. If you place ads on the right place, people could see ads interesting and click it. You will receive a fee for a click on the advertisement. Another way to monetize your link directory is the addition of interesting bands on them. The people who need your website to collect their website links back to visit submit. If you cheap banner spot Interestingly, the website promotion, hosting, manual directory submission and more programs like these could be people interested in buying some of these services. If they do, you will receive a fee for membership.
Do not expect to get a fortune with these methods. However, if you add them, they make a beautiful addition to your income. It will also help to make your site more interesting.
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