It is a truth universally acknowledged, that webmasters in search of the importance of their sites and their position in the search results must necessarily go in an attempt to create links to build. All search engines use the measure of inbound links to a Web page as a means of assessing the value of that page, the logic is that if someone took the trouble to link to the page, it must have something valuable about it, and the links there are, the more interesting it would be. Quantity is not everything, and the quality of these links is important, usually measured by the Google PageRank of the page where the link is located. A number of different programs that exist on the Web sites with a high PageRank and keywords similar to yours, that might make the affiliate link look. All you have to do, so that logic is the webmaster and provide contact with the exchange of links.
However, this process is not as easy as it seems. new sites that need more connections, for which the marginal value of a new band is the highest, are more difficult to establish links to, since the value of the bonds that they can offer in return is the most low. So if you want to play this game, you should be aware of the political power game of the link exchange. You'll quickly discover that most sites is a well established form on their web pages (see this page travel links for example) you can complete and submit for consideration. Invariably the form asks you for your link in the first place. It is about 2-4 minutes of work, depending on the effectiveness of your own process for posting links on your own site. You have no guarantee that the other website will do anything but say, "Yes, very much, another incoming link to a load, and did not bother to link on a reciprocal basis, reasoning that if they save themselves a few minutes work and the party can not bother to follow through the process of removing the link they have established, because it extra work for them. Indeed it is probably true that the attempt to establish a link not is answered, then the removal of your link to this site, is higher than the cost of keeping this link up (after all, that there is little or no cost). Experience shows that less than 10% of the forms you never fill lead to a reciprocal link in place effectively. This means that work for a 2-4 minute presentation is just 20-40 minutes of work per the link you actually get. Your link building strategy has become very expensive.
How could this risk and reduce the cost of the link? Here are some guidelines that have been learned the hard way. In the first place not to sites more accessible to search engines. If you are looking for link exchange for free "to say and a form for the first 20 sites with form submission that occur, you can bet that many others were doing the same to be transmitted. This means that these sites will be flooded with request a link, and human nature being what it is, probably not to the alternate link disturbing - after all, they did not need. Instead, choose sites that are on page 20 of 30 results: people are more willing to the bands and are more likely to behave honorably and link your comment. Second, look carefully at the language on the form their login page link. To find the people who guarantee your link to meet a certain ( short) period of time. Look for language that the awareness of the risks you take time to fill out their forms shows. Of course it may mean that they are particularly cynical about this process, but our experience shows that one way to opportunities store. Third, you'll find an email that looks like a real person. Shoot an e-mail asking how long they will respond to your link when you are filling out their forms. It takes a few seconds. Once you've heard of a real person, the chance that your reciprocal link is much higher.